The Magpie Twin fin is a design that I have been playing with for a while now and I really think it has found a home with all the other Born to Fly birds on this site. As I keep banging on about twin fins in that a designer has the scope to throw all sorts of design features at them without fear of jamming them up. This model has a 10mm bordered concave right through the guts and out of the tail. In the pics supplied the concave is sprayed in black for your understanding coz it is difficult to distinguish in a photo even though it is a bloody canyon..!
From all accounts this thing just gets up and goes once the water force runs through the concave and then the hydro lift comes into play. The twin fin positions are further back in this model to help it hold on as the extra lifting forces and the wider pod have it at naught to 100 in a milli second…!
This one pictured is only 6.0 x 21 ½ x 2 ½ = 36.7 lts . This model I have made over 7.0 and with the correct fin placement any extra length still works a treat for those who need the extra paddle.
ROCKER = Twin fin typical ie. Relatively flat
PLANSHAPE = Area forward with straight plan shape from centre to tail.
TAIL = Deep swallow
RAILS = Chunky
BOTTOM SHAPE = Deep dished out mono concave.
FINS = Keels or standard twin